Graduating from college or University for many students is a very scary thing. If you are a recent graduate and have job search troubles, then this blog is for you. Many of us recent grads have piles of student loans and bills to pay, but are not working in the field of our studies. Now a day it appears even “entry level” jobs need 5 + years of experience and a Master’s degree. Okay well maybe not that extreme, but job searching as a recent graduate can be intimidating and daunting. It doesn’t help that our economy is declining and job searching is hard for everyone right now, even those with lots of experience. It’s easy to get discouraged and give up and just take whatever you can get. Coming into the “real world” is scary enough even if you did land on the perfect job. Though when you are struggling to find that job, everything can seem so much worse. Though lucky for you, below are some tips to follow for successful job searching for recent grads.
#1 – Remain Optimistic and Stay Confident
- As hard as it can get, do not get di Because if you did it’s going to show, and you might miss out on other potential opportunities. Regardless, always try to keep a good positive attitude.
#2 – Follow Up After Interviews
- Even if you don’t get the job still follow up after the interview, because it’s going to show the employers that you care. Ask what skills you lacked and how you can improve them. Which will eventually show excellent work skills and increase your chances to get hired the next time this job is available.
#3 – Try To Find An Internship
- Many Universities and Colleges will help assist you in finding internships. You just have to speak to an advisor and show interest, as it will build up the experience on your resume and potentially get you a job at that company later. It’s also good to do while still in school because you can use your hours worked to get class credit for your school.
#4 – Make a Job Search Plan
- With the economy, we are currently in, having a plan will make job searching a bit easier. Currently, there isn’t a lot of opportunities in the job market. So to make your job search easier, you have to include all the different job search leads you are planning to use, organize references and your network of contacts, speak to your school’s career services office, university professors and attend job fairs. Try also to get out there and expand your networking, which eventually can get you different opportunities from various connections that you’ve acquired. Another part of your plan should include where are you going to do your job search. Try to pick a geographical location, potentially where you live or where you might want to live.